
Alright, the cutie's back with another cutie UwU. I decided to go from the lower levels upward. I probably should have done that from the get go. Why? Because during playtesting the beginning should be the most enjoyable so that the players want to continue playing. The difference between a card having even a bad art work and no artwork at all is indescribable. Currently, a lot of the fun is missing because the lower level cards often don't have artwork. Why didn't I do it sooner? Well, mostly because I got an idea and just started pixeling and often they just didn't look like level 1 or 2 Zvery. Lesson learned. Here's Woox:

Woox is a radioactive firefly with a lantern as its...lantern. Yes, that's the term for the bioluminescent chamber. And yes, it is very creative. All in all, I think it turned out well. I did spend some more time on the prep for this one, which made the whole process more fun, of course. I think the colors turned out well, too. I was a bit more blunt with the lighting this time simply adding these halos and using some hacky Krita features, but it looks good I'd say!

I'll be back Monday,

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